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On the Job Training

Work Experience

Becoming a L.I.F.E. Coach for the program involves mentoring youth between the ages of 14 and 24 to help them build their character, critical thinking, educational choices, and career paths through practical experiences. As a L.I.F.E. Coach, you will work with participants to develop workforce readiness skills, communication etiquette, academic enrichment, and career planning. Additionally, you will emphasize the importance of self-care, including stress management, mental health awareness, physical wellness, and personal growth and development.

Companies can offer on-the-job training opportunities by partnering with the program to provide work experience opportunities for participants. By offering internships or apprenticeships, companies can help participants develop industry-specific skills and gain practical work experience that will help them make informed decisions about their future careers. Additionally, companies can provide training on soft skills, financial literacy, and other professional development areas to help participants succeed in their future careers.

Companies can offer work experience opportunities by partnering with the program to provide internships, apprenticeships, or entry-level jobs. This provides a way for program participants to gain practical experience in their desired career field and apply the knowledge and skills they have learned through the program. Companies can benefit from the program by finding talented and motivated individuals who are eager to learn and grow in their organization.


Community Organization

Educational Institution

Organizations and companies can offer training opportunities by providing educational training and soft skill development opportunities. This can include training on industry-specific skills, as well as training on communication, teamwork, time management, and other key skills that are essential in the workplace. Additionally, offering financial literacy training can help program participants make informed decisions about their finances and future career paths.

Community organizations can offer internships and volunteer opportunities by partnering with the program to provide hands-on experiences in various fields. This can include opportunities for participants to work with non-profits, local government, and other community organizations to develop workforce readiness skills, communication etiquette, and career exploration. Additionally, community organizations can provide opportunities for participants to engage in volunteer work that helps them build leadership skills and contribute to the community in a meaningful way.

Educational institutions can offer scholarships and no-cost training opportunities that focus on certifications and professional licenses by partnering with the program to provide access to educational resources and training programs. This can include providing scholarships and financial assistance to program members who are interested in pursuing specific career fields or certifications. Additionally, educational institutions can offer training opportunities that focus on professional development and career advancement, such as certifications or licensing programs that are relevant to various industries.
